America's Black Robe Regiment


An Army Of Passionate Clergy

America’s Black Robe Regiment is a network of pastors and religious leaders who strive to safeguard liberty. We believe that today’s leaders must step into their God-given duty of leading not just from the pulpit, but in communities and government as well. This echoes the actions of America’s first pastors, whose strong beliefs led and won the revolution.

Tyranny must be abolished. As a local leader, people are counting on you and we believe it is your duty to hold government leaders accountable.

Molding The Future

Jesus called on his people to be the “salt of the earth” and we believe that directive should be followed with urgency and diligence. Access our resources and support system by joining the Regiment and signing the Gideon’s 300 Pledge.

Join us on this mission and connect with like-minded leaders who share your zeal for freedom.