We are Calling Pastors and their Churches to Pray at your Nearest Abortion Center UNTIL IT CLOSES !
Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. Proverbs 24:11
Project Josiah
We believe it is the sacred duty of Evangelical Christians to actively oppose abortion.
Praying at abortion centers is easy. Your Presence is a witness of the Love of Christ ! You can hold a positive sign, or just pray. Many woman change their minds when they read a sign or see someone praying.
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much
James 5:16
What's in a Name ?
King Josiah was one of the Old Testament kings who took down the High Places where babies were sacrificed to Baal and Molech. Babies and children were burned in the altars as a means of appeasing the gods.
The Bible speaks highly of many kings but but notes that all but two did NOT take down the High Places.
The multiple references to this omission indicate the error of this negligence on the part of the leaders of Israel.
This serves as a warning to the Church today to not neglect the eradication of the High Places: “Abortion Centers”
Abortion is a sacrifice to the gods of convenience, greed, self, lust, sexual immorality and pride !
2 Kings 23:10
ADOPT Your Local Abortion Center!
Start your own Prayer Vigil at an Abortion Center near you.