Give Me Liberty
Pastors & Ministry Leaders' Summit
August 29, 2024
Patrick Henry College, Purcellville, VA


David Kubal CEO, President

Dave Kubal has been president and CEO of IFA since 2009. As a nationally recognized faith leader, Dave serves on the National Faith Advisory Board and the National Day of Prayer Task Force. He is also frequently featured in national news outlets such as Victory Channel, CBN, The Stream, and Fox News. A graduate of Asbury Theological Seminary and ordained in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Dave has a deep grasp of the spiritual underpinnings of the nation’s issues. Throughout 40 years in ministry, including as a Vice President with Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Dave has excelled in building relationships that exponentially impact the Kingdom. At IFA, Dave has emphasized the tremendous value of the intercessor to God’s plans and purposes, as well as the need to connect each intercessor to the unfolding news, which is in fact history in the making.

Dave has published four books: Inspired PrayersInspired PeopleInspired Stories; and Fasting.

Michael Morisi, Vice President of Church Ambassador Network

Mike Morisi has a 30-year career in the corporate world and has been in full time ministry since 2015 ordained as a Pastor, Director of a national campus ministry and working in development and leadership for several ministries. As Vice President of the Family Foundation’s Church Ambassador Network, Mike works to inspire the Church to engage government for the advance of God’s Kingdom, by connecting the shepherds of God’s Church (pastors) to God’s shepherds of government (the “king,” or today’s elected officials).

Lt. Governor Winsome Sears

Winsome Earle-Sears, a native of Kingston, Jamaica, immigrated to the United States at the age of six. She is proud to have served in the United States Marine Corps. In addition to her various appointments, she has served as the Vice President of the Virginia State Board of Education; and as a presidential appointee to the US Census Bureau, as co-chair of the African American Committee; and the Advisory Committee on Women Veterans to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.

Winsome was first elected in 2002 to a majority Black House of Delegates district, a first for a Republican in Virginia since 1865. She is the first female Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the first Black female elected statewide, and the first naturalized female elected to statewide office. She is also the first female Veteran to be elected to statewide office.

As Lieutenant Governor, Winsome Earle-Sears presides over the Senate when they are in a legislative session and casts the tie-breaking vote. Additionally, the Lieutenant Governor serves on various state boards and commissions: Virginia Tourism Authority, Virginia Military Advisory Council, Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation, The Center for Rural Virginia, Secure and Resilient Commonwealth Panel, as well as serving as the national Secretary of the Aerospace States Association (ASA), and as the Chair of the Virginia chapter of ASA (2023). Her office has been represented on the Virginia Advanced Air Mobility Alliance (VAAMA) since 2022. The Lieutenant Governor is also a Fellow at the Hunt Kean Leadership Institute. Education has been and continues to be a focus of the Lieutenant Governor.

In her efforts to hear from as many Virginians as possible, the Lieutenant Governor has traveled over 28,000 miles across the Commonwealth since coming into office. An often-requested speaker, the Lieutenant Governor has headlined numerous events across the Commonwealth and across the nation.

A former program manager for the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce and VISTA volunteer, Winsome is a trained electrician and successful businesswoman. However, Winsome is most proud of her community work leading a men’s prison ministry and as director of a women’s homeless shelter. She holds a B.A. in English with a minor in Economics, and an M.A. in Organizational Leadership, with a concentration in Government. Winsome and her husband, Terence, have two daughters Katia and Janel, in addition to DeJon, and granddaughters Victoria and Faith, who are now looking into the face of God.

William J. Federer - Speaker, Author, President of Amerisearch Inc.

WILLIAM J. FEDERER is a nationally known speaker, best-selling author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc., a publishing company dedicated to researching America’s noble heritage.

Bill’s AMERICAN MINUTE radio feature is broadcast daily across America and by the Internet. His Faith in History television airs on the TCT Network on stations across America and via DirectTV.

TELEVISION: A former U.S. Congressional Candidate, Bill has appeared on: CSPAN, FOX, Hannity, O’Reilly Factor, NPR, NewsMax, OAN, Real America’s Voice, Jack Hibbs, Charlie Kirk, Dr. Gina PrimeTime, Bill O’Reilly’s Shock and Awe, Kirk Cameron, MSNBC, CBN, TBN, INSP, TCT, National Association of Scholars (American Innovation Webinar

Series: George Washington Carver); The Eric Metaxas Show, Prager U, Todd Starnes “Starnes Country-FOX Nation, 700 Club, Coral Ridge Hour, The Chris Salcedo Show, Real America with Dan Ball, AT&T Cable, Charter Cable, Danny Fontana Show, iLife TV, FOX Strategy Room with Brian Kilmeade, hosted CSPAN’s George Washington Book Festival-February 26, 2000, ABC-Time Warner Affiliates, FamilyNet, FamilyLand TV, CTN with Herman & Sharron Bailey, Andrew Wommack’s The Gospel Truth, and numerous television documentaries.

RADIO: Bill has been interviewed on thousands of radio programs, including Focus on the Family, Janet Parshall’s America, Point of View, USA Radio Network, Salem Radio Network, Bott Radio Network, Turning Point USA, Lars Larson, Bill Martinez, Crosswalk with Gino Geraci, Michael Medved, Common Sense Radio w/Ollie North, D. James Kennedy’s Truths that Transform, Phyllis Schlafly Live, Beverly LaHaye Live, G. Gordon Liddy, Janet Folger’s Faith to Action, Clear Channel Radio, VCY America, RadioAmerica, BQ, Armstrong Williams, American Family Radio, Family Life Radio, USA Radio Network, Judicial Watch, InsightMag.com, Martha Zoller Show, Chuck Harder’s For the People, Derry Brownfield, Michael Reagan,, and others.

PUBLICATIONS: Bill has been quoted or referenced in USA Today, Human Events, New York Times, Washington Times, Washington Post, Roll Call, Harper’s Magazine, The Wanderer, George, St. Louis Post Dispatch, Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, Ted Baehr’s MovieGuide, England’s Surrey Hants Star, Insight Magazine, WorldMag.com, WorldNetDaily.com, TownHall.com, NewsMax.com, Catholic.org, Crosswalk.org, CitizenLink.com, DailyCaller.com and other publications.

BOOKS: Bill’s first book “America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations” has sold over a half-million copies. His many works have been quoted by authors, politicians, leaders, journalists, teachers, students and in court cases.

His latest Book: Silence Equals Consent – the sin of omission: Speak Now or Forever Lose Your Freedom is now available


Ashley Miller, Anti-Trafficking International

Ashley Miller is a passionate advocate in the fight against human trafficking, driven by her devotion to the Lord and her own journey of Grace that fuels her deep love and compassion for the most vulnerable in society. Her fervent desire to see America realign itself with God’s values inspires her dedication to combating human trafficking and protecting those at risk.

Specializing in prevention initiatives, Ashley collaborates tirelessly alongside individuals and organizations to raise awareness, provide education, and implement training programs aimed at thwarting human trafficking before it can ensnare its victims. With a heart rooted in faith and a commitment to serving others, Ashley channels her passion and empathetic compassion into making a difference in the fight to eradicate human trafficking from the face of the planet.

Having earned a bachelor’s degree in molecular biology from Grove City College, Ashley furthered her education at Drexel University in Philadelphia, obtaining her graduate degree to become a Physician Assistant. Her dual focus on preventive measures and post-trafficking survivor holistic, consistent, and long-term care underscores her unwavering commitment to amplifying the voices of the silenced and advocating for those impacted by today’s modern-day slavery.

Ashley’s advocacy roots trace back to her early involvement working with children and teenagers as a volunteer in the medical field, and later as a Pediatric Physician Assistant. These experiences exposed her to the devastating effects of neglect, abuse, trauma, and trafficking on vulnerable youth, instilling in her a determination to provide ongoing care and support to those in need.
Believing wholeheartedly in the transformative work and Grace of God, the power of authentic connections, and courage to take decisive action, it is possible to confront pressing social issues with empathy and resolve, catalyzing change through compassion and unwavering dedication.

Mrs. Judy Cook - Founder, Project Josiah

Judy Cook is the founder of Project Josiah, an initiative of America’s Black Robe Regiment. She is the wife of Rev. Bill Cook, founder of ABRR. Bill and Judy recently celebrated their 40th anniversary.

Judy holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Special Education from Bloomsburg University, PA and a Master of Arts in Special Education from Marshall Univ, WV. Judy taught from 1976-1983.
Judy initiated a prolife organization at Church of the Apostles, Fairfax, VA in 1981. This evolved into a multi-church prolife organization, Christians Against Abortion.

In 1986, Bill and Judy moved to Virginia Beach where Bill attended Regent University. Their prolife efforts continued there in the form of birthing and raising 4 children.
Judy homeschooled their children for 17 years. In 1998, a 5th child was added to their quiver!

In 2005, Judy returned to teaching at Loudoun County Public Schools. In 2012-2016 Judy and Bill participated with 40 Days for Life. In 2016, in an effort to attract more Evangelical Churches to the prolife movement, they launched Project Josiah.

Judy retired from teaching in 2022. Since then she assists in homeschooling several of their 10 grandchildren, in addition to organizing Project Josiah and assisting Bill with ABRR.

Lt. Gen William G. “Jerry” Boykin

Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William G. Boykin serves as Family Research Council’s Executive Vice President.

He was one of the original members of the U.S. Army’s Delta Force. He was privileged to ultimately command these elite warriors in combat operations. Later, William Boykin commanded all the Army’s Green Berets as well as the Special Warfare Center and School.

In all, Lt. Gen. Boykin spent 36 years in the army, serving his last four years as the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence. He is an ordained minister with a passion for spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and encouraging Christians to become warriors in God’s Kingdom.

William and his wife Ashley enjoy spending time with their five children and growing number of grandchildren.

Joy Alice Fontaine Morrow Fifth and Sixth Great Granddaughter of Patrick Henry

Joy Alice Fontaine Morrow is the fifth and sixth great-granddaughter of Patrick Henry and a cousin of Patrick Henry Jolly.

She grew up in Colorado the oldest of two sisters and one brother and as a Believer in Jesus Christ/ Yeshua HaMashiach, in Hebrew.
As a graduate from Vanderbilt University School of Nursing in 1980, she had a varied nursing career from oncology to instructor of nursing at several colleges to clinical Nurse Coordinator for Good Samaritan, a non-profit mobile medical clinic.

Her variety of careers included Business Broker business owner and co-teacher of K4 and K5.

Her favorite volunteer work entailed, leading Mom’s in Prayer Groups, Bible Studies, Celebrate Recovery sponsor and small group leader and acting as director of “Road to the Future,” a women’s prison ministry.

She is married to John for18 years with four adult children between them and 6 grandchildren, who call her Maymie. They live near Tulsa, OK.

Patrick Henry Jolly

Patrick Henry Jolly is a fifth great grandson of the American Patriot, Patrick Henry. Splitting his time between his native Ohio and Virginia, Patrick has been speaking on a variety of topics related to the personal and professional life of his ancestor, since 1992.

Patrick can often be seen at Red Hill, the last home and burial spot of Patrick Henry, located in Charlotte County, Virginia, and be reached through Red Hill or via email at[email protected].

Rev. William Cook Founder and CEO, America’s Black Robe Regiment

Rev. William (Bill) William Cook is Founder and CEO of America’s Black Robe Regiment, an association of clergy seeking to secure the Blessings of Liberty to our own and future generations of Americans. As an ordained pastor, Bill served in several different churches over a period of 20+ years, that include Baptist, Anglican and non-denominal.

While preparing for the ministry in graduate school at Regent University he was hired by the university as Assistant Campus Minister and Director of Student positions he held for seven years.

During a hiatus from ministry from 2000-2010, he was employed as a federal contractor providing Systems and Software Engineering support to several federal agencies including the Intelligence Community and DHS Science and Technology Directorate, Explosives Division and at TSA evaluating security screening systems.

During the summer of 2012, heard God’s call to return to professional ministry with an emphasis on enlisting and equipping pastors and their flocks to contend for religious liberty, and in September that year, Founded America’s Black Robe Regiment to establish companies of pastors in every state and political jurisdiction in America, to assert their own and the vital leadership and influence of their congregations in civil government.

Rev. Cook and his wife Judy have been married 38 years, have five grown children, and ten grandchildren; they live in Haymarket Virginia.

Watch the Interviews with the Speakers during the Conference

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